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Heir Jones


Heir once ruled a beautiful kingdom filled with love, laughter, and life. He got this kingdom by showing his mastery at working flamethrowers. The civilians thought that he would protect the kingdom with all his might, but that wasn’t the case. When the war happened a rival kingdom came to take over his. Heir tried to protect the citizens, but all of them were slaughtered. He was next but he quickly built what he calls, “The only hope,” in which he built a giant wall full of flamethrowers. That wall killed many, but there were too many of them, they tore down the wall, but the time that gave Heir to escape was providential. He escaped from the rival kingdom, but at a cost. All of his flamethrowers were now broken, but they were still useable. He soon escaped to the Transparent Desert, A desert so hot that clear glass spires form, to hide out until the war is over.


  • Primary Fire

    • Broken Flamethrower

      • A flamethrower that shoots in 2 second bursts with a 1 second wait time in between bursts

  • Alt Fire

    • Sudden Urge

      • A sudden instant 1 second burst come out of the flamethrower. Short cool down

  • Ability 1

    • Jet pack

      • Use 2 flamethrower bursts to fly up into the air. Any enemies under the bursts/jet pack will be damaged.

  • Ability 2

    • Back up

      • Placed a solid barricade that has limited health. Only way to get rid of it is to destroy it/kill it

  • Ultimate

    • The only hope

      • Places a huge barricade that has broken flamethrowers shooting from it.

  • Passive

    • Get out of here

      • Can remove any of his barricades at any time. Must be close though.

Note: All images are placeholders until all art is complete.

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